Now we get back to the real stuff...In an effort to make this blog complete I will include commentary about the two preface stories that proceeded and set-up Wetworks:Worldstorm #1...
I wrote this one so it has all the old military flavors from the first three issues from the original series of WW's. It's in my blood, the only way I can write Wetworks. I see everything from Dane's point of view. the military point of view...
Believe it or not I had not yet met-up with Mike, let alone finalized any plan for how the new WW's book would shake out. So how do we announce reviving Wetworks without being specific as to what form the new team will take? In all the various ideas we came up with as to what the new Wetworks would be like we always came to the conclusion that Mother needed to play a major role. At the very least since all military research seems to be closely connected to something called "cross'communications" where all units will be engulfed in a flood of information, Mother-One was the best candidate to be able to realize that for Dane. So she needed to be the focus for the first preface we had hinted at a possible romantic link between her and Dane in the original series, so this seemed like the best place emotionally to start...
The only other thing that was certain in my mind was that Dane would be totally in charged this time around. After having the government try to control him, and then IO try to chain him, then Waering try to use him as a patsy, in the new series Dane decides his team is his sole responsibility therefore they will do only what he deems neccesary. So I began there...
How would Dane go about reforming his old team and build an organization around it?
With all of Dane's past involvement (Team 7, the Gen13 powers, IO, Raven, Wildcats, Waering, etc.) he has formed a massive and powerful network of proffessionals and rouges. Any of which would glady do Dane a favor or two. So he pirates anyone that he deems perfectly suited to his needs.
Dane has always been a man of a few words (tho' as we will see in the new series he has in his old age become abit more yakkier than his younger self) always a man of action people exposed to Dane seem to be quickly attracted to his command presence. Well that's how Dane sees it. Reality is he is a psi-power that is yet to be rated and classified. Being the personality type that believes in self determination, doing things for yourself, he doesn't believe in the supernatural, and therefore ignores any sign that he is a "magical" being. Regardless of his belief he is constantly "broadcasting" his psi-awareness around him. It works subtely, he "thinks" he needs a certain person to volunteer for a deadly mission, that person all of a sudden volunteers for said mission. His psi-power subtely suggesting to that person Dane's desires. All of his lifes successes are attribital to this one fact of his powers. Now let's think people...Dane's reputation as a military leader has been made upon taking the most dangerous missions, and soldiers gladly dying for Dane (look back at the first three issues of the original WW's series where Flattop and Crossbones gave their lives for Dane and the team so they could get out of an ambush) now what would happen to our leaders proud mind if he realized that no one ever "volunteered" for these deadly missions but were all "coerced" by his psi-power? Think of the guilt...
Guilt is the word that encapsulates the current Dane, and haunts the mood of this first preface story. His narration of this first story is moody and haunting (thanx for the wonderful script by Arcudi). Centering on his guilt that the team was last betrayed by their benefator Waering and Dane could not protect them. It is also melancholy.
We start out with a large jump jet landing on a desert plateau.
Trivia***This plateau and entranceway was born in the later issues of the first series, as we knew for certain that Dane's psi-powers were being enhanced by the symbiotes, it was getting to a point where if Dane ever got angry he could accidentally blow a man's brain to pieces. So how does Dane let off steam safely. So I thought of this desert plateau totally devoid of life (maintained that way by Waerings group) where he could vent his anger to his hearts desire and never worry about killing anyone. Not even a mouse. Within the adjacent mountain face is a hidden doorway leading back into the old Wetworks complex.
A robed figure leads a group of heavily armored soldiers into the doorway and underground complex. Yes these are human WW's soldiers. All ex-Delta Force. This also is a big difference from the original series. I knew I needed WW's to come back as the "A" team but I wanted them to have backup that weren't superheroes. So, they go into the heart of this underground complex and find a locked doorway and Dane in his dialogue announces he has found Mother-One. A telling point is when a soldier tells Dane that it will take a minute or two to get an explosives team there, Dane is impatient and tells the soldier to clear the door because he is about to blast it with his psi-powers. This eagerness brings back hints at a possible past relationship between Dane and Mother-One. One we always hinted at but never realized.
Upon blasting the door open we find a mummified and dead Mother-One lying next to a massive computer. We are told that this is the old Waering mainframe. The why Mother is found there goes again back to the old series. There was an issue where we find Mother-One may be demented. There is a scene where she is alone in her room talking to someone, that someone turns out to be the mainframe computer. It talks back to her conversationally but reacts to Mother-One as Rachels long dead mother. Waering had reworked Mothers memory long ago before she became WW's to thinking his mainframe AI was in fact Mother-One's own dead mother. An effort to control Mother-One, he knew how powerful she would become and so used this as a safety key to disarm her if need be. So in Mother-Ones last days she seeks refuge with the computer core she thought was her mother. In the last days of the Vampire wars the Waering complex was overrun by the Night Tribes. Mother-One fought a retreating action to the only secure place she knew, the mainframe AI'a main core. It was built to withstand any attack and did. Only problem is it was now a radioactive site and thru the years even tho' Mother was able to contact Dane's mind and lead him back to her, it also slowly killed what was still human in her, and so she died. Being also part computer herself she spent most of that time wondering what Dane would do next. She correctly knew Dane would restart Wetworks again so what would he need from her if he found her? A complete copy of the old Waering mainframe computer database/network. To use to rebuild a new complex. And one other thing...the last conscious download of her consciousness before she physically died. She somehow knew that Dane would try to revive her and would need this if she were to be the Dane gingerly picks up Mother's decaying corpse, half-machine, half-petrified flesh, and within her petrified fingers is the harddrive with all Dane needs to start his Dream.
That ends the first preface story heralding the first news that Wetworks will rise again as a team.
Apologies for not having pictures...still hunting down hi-rez files of the original colored pages of this story. When I get them I will repost this with the pictures.
I do have all of the colored files of the second preface story. In my next post I will comment on that story and fill that post with panels from that story...
Then I will combine all the images in a flash movie for those adversed to reading...til next time people...